Personal WEBSITE

The purpose of this personal page is to show myself as a person, as a teacher and as a researcher at the University of Zaragoza. of the University of Zaragoza. I have been working in this profession for many years now, and I like my work and my dedication to science more and more every day. Both in the research part, as well as in teaching.

Let me tell you a little more about myself.

My life outside work

One of my hobbies that I enjoy the most is aviation in all its aspects. Ever since I was a child I would look up at the clouds when I felt or heard a plane flying in the skies, and in 2006 I found a way to give an outlet for that passion. the skies, and in 2006 I found the way to give an outlet for this passion. I found in virtual aviation is the opportunity I had always wanted.

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I came to IVAO and it changed my life radically. I soon began to understand the intricacies of this wonderful art of flying, and in a short period of time I was soon brave enough to get my private pilot’s licence flying the ECJME.

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At work…

My professional career started at the end of the last century in the automotive industry. I worked there for a few years, but soon my passion for research came knocking at my door. knocked at my door.

I started as a researcher at the University of Zaragoza contracted in a project with a company for the traceability of Teruel ham. of Teruel ham. In the meantime I started my doctoral thesis on “Visual Analysis of the Visual Analysis of Human Movement”. A research work about computer vision and the tracking of people both as a tracking people both as a rigid body and as a multi-axis object.

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My first years were focused on the Computer Vision environment con proyectos como Astro, but already in 2013 my interest towards neural networks was growing. This, together with the birth of of Deep Learning made me find a sector where I could do my research and future work. future work.

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From that moment on, my research direction started to focus on signal analysis and pattern recognition in and pattern recognition in all kinds of inputs.

To be continued in future…